English Language Teaching and Power Connotations: Foucauldian and Bordieuan Perspective

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Sania Sachal


This study aims to find out the power play behind pedagogic process of English language teaching and learning process in a Pakistani context. The study uses theoretical framework provided by Foucault (1972, 1977) where he describes a different over view of power and power dynamics. Along with this, the study uses Bordieuan framework of social theory (1987), out of which, factor of habitus has been taken. Based on the mentioned framework, the research method inclines towards a qualitative bases study. Research instrument used was semi structured interviews from students of an engineering university and English language teachers. The study involved 5 participants. Data analysis was done through constant comparative analysis. The results showed that English language is taught and learnt in urban areas of Pakistani society at the cost of mother tongue. To sum it up, the results demonstrated that, power play, its exercise and creation of habitus is done by parents through presenting English as the most profitable market language. Later, learners and both pedagogues in turn, develop a cultural shame towards mother tongue and other regional languages.

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