Progressive Poetry: A Changed Attitude

  • Dr. Ishaq Samejo


Progressive literature or progressive poetry is an important topic of the modern Sindhi literature of sub continent. Like other languages, in Sindhi literature also there is much written on philosophy and Art of progressive movement. In this paper, I have traced out the importance of Art and the subjective side, particularly Thought, language, and the changes in the characters. Progressive poetry is different and change as compare to other poetry. Progressive poets have given importance to lower class people and their language. It was the first attempt to write such a new poetry in the language of common people. Therefore new characters were created and at the same time, old characters were decorated with the new language of the time. New symbols, metaphore and other terms were created by which new expirence was expreaced in the progressive poetry. In this paper I have analyzied all these elements of progressive poetry.

Sindhi Section