RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES <p align="justify"><em>Research Journal of Social Sciences</em> (RJSS) is the annual publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences. This is HEC Recognised (Y Category) Journal. The journal focuses on theoretical, empirical, and interdisciplinary research work, emphasizing realistic analysis and development of original knowledge. The journal aims to engage researchers from diverse but interrelated social sciences disciplines in the academic debate on social, political, economic, and gender issues. Further, it promotes historical knowledge and increases readers' understanding of economic, social, and political changes from national, regional, and international perspectives.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>EDITOR</strong><br><strong>Prof. Dr. Ishrat Afshan Abbasi</strong><br>Department of International Relations, University of Sindh, Jamshoro.</p> Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro en-US RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 1815-9125 US-CHINA STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENTS IN SOUTH ASIA <p><em>This paper addresses the ongoing strategic competition between the USA and China in South Asia (SA). SA has always been considered one of the essential geo-strategic, geopolitical, and geo-economic regions for significant powers. US-China strategic competition in SA emerged after the Cold War era. The US found a new “strategic ally” in the SA region, India, to curtail China’s role in the area and beyond. The US accommodated India in various matters such as armed forces development, Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) agreement, Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), global economic cooperation, access to the nuclear market, supporting India in the UNSC, etc. Pakistan sees this US-India relationship with its prism, and China has its global aspirations. China offers similar, although limited, support to Pakistan to counter the Indian hegemony.</em></p> <p><em>Furthermore, China’s economic plan BRI engages all the South Asian states except India and Bhutan. This economic engagement offers more room for China’s global policies. Strategic competition between the US and China has also impacted the regional and domestic issues of South Asian states. Meanwhile, the US-NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has also created several challenges for both states. This research highlights significant regional power policies during the last three decades and who has gained more weight in the SA region</em><em>.</em></p> Tahir Mahmood Azad Muhammad Sadiq Copyright (c) 2024 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 1 14 INFLUENCE OF ONLINE EDUCATION OVER ACADEMIC LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC SECTOR UNIVERSITIES OF PAKISTAN <p><em>This research examines the effect of online education on university students' academic performance. This study ascertains the influence of online learning and assesses how it affects university students' learning ability and academic performance. To analyze various techniques that students use for onscreen education. The findings of this research will benefit both students and teachers by providing insight into the impact of online education. Using a simple random technique, a sample of 90 students was selected from two public sector universities in Karachi, Pakistan. This research targets three main questions. First, in what ways does online education enhance student learning? Second, how does participating in an online classroom differ from a traditional classroom in terms of ease? Third, how are young people and students making use of online education? The data was collected using a closed-ended questionnaire to obtain answers to these questions. The correlation between online education, computer literacy, students’ creativity, motivation, and performance was evaluated manually. The results indicate a need for continued efforts to progress online technology and create active educational prospects for young learners through online education. Improving the distance learning environment and making better online classrooms that can respond adaptively to students' motivation levels is recommended</em><em>.</em></p> Shaheen Shaikh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 15 24 SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF HOME-BASED WORKING WOMEN IN HYDERABAD SINDH <p align="justify">The present qualitative research study was carried out by analyzing the conditions of the lives of home-based working women in Tando Allahyar, District Hyderabad of Sindh Province, whereby three research participants were selected for in-depth interviews. The study's main objective is to know the living conditions of home-based working women by exploring the problems they face in the workplace. Four themes were generated from the collected data employing in-depth interviews. The response rate of theme 01, which discusses the social security system, is 100% by all three research participants. Theme 02 was responded to by all three research participants, which discussed the daily routine activities of home-based working women who simultaneously earn and perform domestic activities. Theme 03, reported by all three research participants with a frequency rate of 100%, discusses the effects of home-based work on women's lives. Theme 04 was reported with 66.7%, which was responded to by two research participants. The findings of the present research study show that home-based working women are vulnerable in terms of social security protection; however, they have evolved with a significant share in national economic growth. Home-based working women simultaneously serve domestic duties of households and livelihood, which are full-time engagements that these women perform all day from dawn to dusk for minimal money.</p> Zareen Atta Nasreen Aslam Shah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 25 38 IDEOLOGY OF THE GENDER ROLE AND EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING <p align="justify">This study investigates how gender affects married couples' emotional well- being concerning gender role ideology. Purposive sampling was used to gather information from 225 people in person and online. For analysis, the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS) by Tennant et al. (2007) and the self-report Gender Role Belief Scale Short Version (GRBS- SV) were used. According to the study's findings, men who believe in conventional gender roles are more emotionally well than men who believe in gender equality. The findings also showed that women who believe in egalitarian gender roles have higher emotional well-being. The findings showed that emotional well-being differed significantly between the sexes. Results revealed that gender considerably modifies the association between the ideology of gender roles and emotional health.</p> Samina Rashid Rida Shahid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 39 59 INDIA’S HEGEMONIC NUCLEAR DETERRENCE PROGRAM <p align="justify">This research aims to elucidate the consequences of India's advancing nuclear deterrence program for South Asia's stability, spotlighting its perceived regional hegemonic ambitions. Utilising comprehensive methodologies, including in-depth analysis of missile development timelines, evaluations of nuclear stockpiles, and an understanding of strategic intent, this study contrasts India's proactive nuclear trajectory with Pakistan’s primarily responsive approach. A meticulous examination of the SIPRI data reveals discrepancies, especially when weighed against assertions by renowned scholars like Bharat Karnad. Furthermore, the study deciphers the multifaceted repercussions of the U.S.-India 123 Agreement, highlighting its unintended role in accelerating Pakistan's nuclear aspirations and exacerbating regional disparities. Drawing insights from the stability-instability paradox, which originates in Cold War dynamics, the research unravels the intricate and nuanced nuclear relationship between the two South Asian giants. Findings accentuate the significant perils posed by escalating nuclear prowess in the region. Consequently, this research strongly recommends initiating arms control protocols, bolstering diplomatic engagements, and heightened regional collaboration to defuse potential crises and foster a sustainable peace framework for South Asia.</p> Nisar Ahmed Chandio Muhammad Shahban Sahito Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 61 72 MULTICULTURALISM OR FEMINISM <p align="justify">The universal application of rights and laws for all women has always been endorsed by the global north against the philosophy of multiculturalism. They often blame religious and cultural practices for not going with their vision of feminism, especially in the case of Muslim groups. The noticeable actions that created this conflict are a ban on the veil, religious education, polygamy, and genital mutilation. While discussing the theoretical concept of multiculturalism in political practice and policy discourse in different contexts, this paper critically evaluates the circumstances where Muslim women are being portrayed as a symbol of oppression while declaring irreconcilable differences between feminism and multiculturalism. This paper examines approaches in which multiculturalism and feminism can promote diversity and inclusiveness, along with nurturing values of respecting differences with dignity in societies.</p> Madiha Nadeem Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 21 21 73 84 Causes and Complexities of Underdeveloped Political Culture: <p align="justify">The study of political culture still appears pertinent and attracts all stakeholders living within a polity. From its inception to the contemporary era, Pakistan's political landscape displays a sad picture of the underperformance of political entities. This calls for immediate attention to finding the root causes of these problems. The current paper aims to find answers to whether Pakistani political culture is suited to serve the interests of the powerful or needs to be better for the growth of Pakistani polity. Drawing on the mainstream theoretical underpinnings, significant approaches, and foundational studies, this article presents the leading causes of Pakistan's current underdeveloped state of political culture. It argues that the intermittent nature of democracy and the role of the military, dynastic politics, cult of personality, feudalism, and underperformance of political parties, among others, are the leading causes of the underdevelopment of political culture. It discusses that the political culture in Pakistan may be suited well to oblige the interests of the elites. Still, it needs to be better to support a healthy, useful, and productive polity.</p> Abdul Razaque Larik Shah Nawaz Mangi Copyright (c) 21 21 85 101