Diseases and Insect Pests Problems in Nurseries Stage on Some Forest Tree Species of Myanmar Reforestations and Rehabilitation Programmee (Mrrp)

  • MYINT M,
Keywords: Fungal pathogen, insect pest, obligate parasite, severity


This study was carried out to assess some diseases and insect pests nurseries problems; incidence and severity of diseases and insect pests in four nurseries under the Myanmar Reforestation and Rehabilitation Programmee (MRRP). In this study, three kinds of fungal diseases; seedling blight, teak leaf rust and pine needle blight were found and also three kinds of insect pests: sap sucking, leaf defoliator and shoot borer were collected respectively in seedling Tectona grandis L.f., Pinus kesiya Royal ex Gordon, Xylia xylocarpa Taub., Hopea odorata Roxb. , Bruguiera hainesii C.G.Rogers, Xylocarpus moluccensis (Lam.) M.Roem. and Avicennia officinalis L.. In laboratory examinations, an obligate parasite Olivea tectonae and five facultative parasites Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, Aspergillus sp., Colletotrichum sp., and Mycosphaerella sp. were identified. The insect pests species, Calliteara sp., Cenopic sp., Hyblaea puera, Hypsipyla robusta and unidentified species (Thripidae) were recorded. According to the results, teak leaf rust, teak blight, pine needle blight and sap sucking insects were high percentage of incidence and severity rate. It can be concluded that the diseases mortality rate were higher than the insect pests except the sap sucking insects. This result showed that nurseries are less resistance than plantations and can spread disease more quickly and increase losses of seedling in the event of fungal infestations. Therefore, nurseries should be more cared according to the nurseries management procedures. This results to be provide the nurseries management information to the MRRP Project as well as other forest nurseries.
