A Checklist of the Avian Species of Saidpur Upazila of Bangladesh

  • ASHRAFUL KABIR Department of Biology, Cantonment Public College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh
Keywords: Bangalipur Nijpara, Saidpur, Bangladesh, Birds, Cantonment, Park birds, Protected areas


To understand birds’ behaviour besides the residence more or less dominant as a whole. Bangalipur union of Saidpur is composed of many medium-sized trees with bushes that are a good shelter for those birds. This survey was carried out from 2019 to 2021. Quantitative, qualitative, and survey methods were carried out for this study. A total of 73 bird species of 39 families were identified, where 33 were very common, 18 common, 8 uncommon, 9 rare, and 5 few. In addition, the behaviour of birds found with winter visitors (7 species), summer visitors (3), local migrants (2), and residents (61). In the Ardeidae family, there was the highest number of birds (6 species) and then Cuculidae (5 species). The species richness of birds in the cantonment (protected) area revealed that it is safe for all resident birds.


Author Biography

ASHRAFUL KABIR , Department of Biology, Cantonment Public College, Saidpur Cantonment—5311, Nilphamari, Bangladesh


