Aesthetic of Thought and Form in Persian Poetry

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Dr. Fayaz Latif


Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the sublime, etc. as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments. The word, `Aesthetics` first time was used by a German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten in reference to the perception of beauty through the senses. In the 18th century, it got the profile of literary and artistic movement under the slogan `art for art’s sake` and engorged all over the world. In modern times Aesthetics is not only supposed to be merely a study of beauty but assumed as an Aesthetical cram of all colors and cult of life and philosophical and artistic analyze the beauty of creation and cosmos. The Persian language is one of the literary languages in the world which have a huge treasure of aesthetics in its prose and poetry. Especially in this paper I have discussed different aspects of aesthetics in the poetry of eminent Persian poets, and have proved with reference from their poetry that Persian poetry not only possesses a beauty of imagism but the beauty of symbols and expressions.

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