Semantic Review of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s Poetry

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Dr.Shazia Pitafi


Semantics deal with all the aspects of meanings. Words and their meanings pertaining to any language are extensive and complex. Meaning of verses of Shah Abdul Latif is so deep and multidimensional, that the scholars of different periods and different areas have put forward variety of their explanations. One considers them feasible for the life of hereafter, the other extracts lessons for the betterment of this world. There are some people who purify their inner through his poetry, and there are others who consider the verses of Shah Latif as a message to solve social problems. Scholarly Study of Shah Latif’s verses indicates that those verses carry for extensive and deep notions than those which are commonly understood. Shah Latif has changed the literal meaning of the words through his creativity and imagination, thus making them rich.

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