Relation of Literature and Poetry with Aesthetics

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Dr. Fayaz Latif


Poetry and prose are beautiful modes of Literature and literature is living record of the populace. The word `literature` is derived from `litera`, Europeans take its meaning 'Elegant, polite or Bells letters . All Art forms, i.e. music, dance, painting and sculpture are impressive and inspiring, but Poetry is more attractive and sentimental phenomena, because it is a breathing expression and experience of the inner being. It retains a marvelous clout of expression of internal passions as well as external images of the life. Poetry not only is an earlier creative activity of the men but also an artistic manifestation of life. Poetry is an entity of beauty. Actually it’s an aesthetical art in itself, though its effects do not end with itself, but remain always with us, in shape of words , rhythm, expression, impression and imaginations . In this paper I have tried to illuminate the basic concepts, characters and co-relations of the literature and have focused to discuss the aesthetic elements and tenets of the poetry .

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