Mirza Kalich Beg’s Services on Arabic-Sindhi Iveta and Dictation

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Dr. Altaf Hussain Jokhio


Mirza Kalich Beg being one of the prestigious eminent scholar among the Sindhi literature and linguistics, worked on variety of subject matters and genres ranging from fiction to history and from poetry to linguistics. During the British period, where due to lack of Sindhi books the Sindhi language was suffering; Mirza Kalich Beg initiated a whole new tradition of writing in newly declared Arabic-Sindhi alphabet and helped in confirmation of its immortality. As a linguist, his most productive contribution to Sindhi language was his book ‘Sindhi Viyakaran’ (Sindhi Grammar) discussing on many discourses in language. In this paper his study on sound, letter, script, Sindhi alphabet and orthography is entertained briefly in order to incite new researchers to work critically and analytically on M.Phil./Ph.D. levels.

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