Kinetic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide in Supported Tungsten Carbide Catalysts and Oxide Catalysts for the Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction

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Salma Korbag
Issa Korbag


The reverse water-gas shift reaction (RWGS) had a critical stage in the conversion of abundant carbon dioxide into chemicals or hydrocarbon fuels and has attracted widespread interest as a renewable fuel assembly system in unconventional ways. Interest has been in industrial applications such as the catalytic activity, carbon dioxide conversion, kinetics, and efficacy levels of tungsten carbide-supported catalysts and carbide oxide catalysts for the production of RWGS reaction. Additionally, carbide oxides have the ability to enhance RWGS and develop high-performance catalysts in RWGS. The RWGS reaction was (CO2 + H2 ↔ CO + H2O; ΔG°=27.94kJ/mol) an exothermic reaction that exhibits equilibrium conversion with temperature.

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How to Cite
Salma Korbag, & Issa Korbag. (2022). Kinetic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide in Supported Tungsten Carbide Catalysts and Oxide Catalysts for the Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction. Sindh University Research Journal - SURJ (Science Series), 54(1).


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