Speech Recognition based web scripting from predefined Context Free Grammar (Language Model & Grammar) programmed in Visual Programming and Text Editor

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This paper presents implementation of our designed Language Model & Grammar and its analysis, designing, development and implementation in an application. In this research article we proposed „Speech Recognition Application‟ named „Text Editor Through Voice‟, which is operated as „Speech Recognition (Speaker Dependent) System‟. The approach is based on experiencing the praxis using „Hidden Morkov Model‟ and application is designed in Visual Basic 6.0 using „Visual Programming‟ and „Object Oriented Programming‟ methods. In „Text Editor Through Voice‟ the use of Speech Recognition engine translates spoken input before finding the specified syntax and tags stored in database. After finding and matching recognized input from database it put that in document area of text editor just like typing on keyboard and pressing a key on the phone keypad, in this application microphone able to do this. For example one might say a word like “HTML”, to which application replies by inserting said word in the document area. Furthermore, we show you list of words and phrases in tables with figures that are successfully implemented and executed in our developed application.

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How to Cite
NADEEM AHMED. KANASRO, H.U. ABBASI, M.R. MAREE, & A.G. MEMON. (2013). Speech Recognition based web scripting from predefined Context Free Grammar (Language Model & Grammar) programmed in Visual Programming and Text Editor. Sindh University Research Journal - SURJ (Science Series), 45(3). Retrieved from https://sujo.usindh.edu.pk/index.php/SURJ/article/view/5617