Higher Education Personnel Trainers Competence

  • Ashfaque Ahmad Shah
  • Muhammad Sarwar
  • Shafqat Hussain
Keywords: Competence, Faculty Development, Public University, Pakistan


Present study was to explore into the trainers competence involved in faculty development program of National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE) in Phase II. All the course coordinators, resource persons and trainees were selected as population from 38 trainings centres at public universities of Pakistan. Majority of the respondents agreed that continuous professional development (CPD) programmes were helpful in improving their professional competence. The trainees in their interview further insisted on a formal Post Graduate Certificate (PGC) for university/college faculty. The study provoked insights for public universities in Pakistan, and the institutional, cultural, and academic context which affect their performance. We hope this study will be helpful highlighting opportunities for public university reforms.
