Ukranian Crisis & the Russian Sanctions

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Ahmed Hussain Shah Bukhari
Anwar-ul-Mustafa Shah
Prof. Dr. Aslam Pervez Memon
Zuhaib Hussain Shah


The Russian-Ukrainian crisis is one of the most important issues of the beginning of the 2014, from regional and global aspects as well. This paper analyses the crisis from geopolitical aspects, and tries to concentrate on the reasons behind the events and the global perspectives. Further it highlights the secrets behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions to give re-birth to the former Soviet Union after annexing the Crimean Peninsula, creating crisis in Eastern Ukraine by supporting the rebels in regions of Donetsk & Lugansk to reach Crimea by roadways and by using power to reach warm water ports. Ensuring Russian Gas Transit to Europe under their control & Keeping Ukraine away from becoming a permanent member of the European Union and threatening for any possible NATO membership in future. Eurasian Union ‘The Actual Dream’

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