Charismatic Leadership: A Critical Analysis

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Dr. Yasmeen Yousif Pardesi
Prof. Yousif Pardesi


The leader might be some one who seems larger than life, that is, one who appears to attract others like a magnet or by some form of charisma. The leader may be the person others want to follow a person who commands trust and respect as well as loyalty. This could be an emergent leader or the "great man" who captures the imagination as well as the admiration of his followers. These include the historical figures, presidents and revolutionary leaders.
Max Weber pioneered the concept, outlining three types of leadership: traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic. He made a distinction between power, the ability to force people to obey, regardless of their resistance; and authority, where orders are voluntarily obeyed by those receiving them. Charismatic leader seeks to inspire followers to sacrifice to attain super ordinate goals. Lincoln, Churchill, and even Hitler reflect charismatic leadership with qualitatively distinct approaches to leading.
This paper explains general concept and characteristics of leadership; it focuses on the concept of charisma and charismatic leadership, the charisma is examined in the context of modem times, with reference to the previous periods. It is also deals with the role of charismatic leadership and the difference it makes in an organization, finally it discusses varied facets of charisma with reference to the world renowned charismatic leaders.

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