The Role of Social Media in Promoting Innovative Behavior at Workplace
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Social Media, Innovative Behavior, Cognition Based Trust.


Personal social media use at work is usually deemed counterproductive work behavior reducing employee productivity. However, we hypothesized that it may actually help employees to coordinate work and non-work demands, which should in turn increase work-related innovative behavior. We collect data regarding the usability dimension of employees in social media, and their innovative behavior, and examine the proposed model through Sobel test and hierarchal linear regression methods. Data for this study were gathered through questionnaire from insurance companies (State Life Insurance and Adam Gee Insurance) located in Pakistan using purposive sample. The authors categorized social media usage into informational and socializing usage. The study confirmed the positive relationship of innovative behavior and social media usage for discussing, and sharing, information. The use of ideas in presence of cognition based trust leads to innovation that is crucial in modern professional world. This study contributes to the knowledge on the role of social media usage to enhance innovative experiences. Practitioners must realize that social media usage should be differentiated with reference to the outcomes of its usage. For instance, using social media for social interaction should be encouraged because doing so may enable individuals to effectively grasp and transfer their experience for their personal development.

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