A Comparison of the Extrinsic Factors Affecting Motivation of ESL Learners at a Public Sector College at Jamshoro: A Quantitative Study
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EFL, ENL, ESL, Demotivation, Motivation.


This paper intended to investigate possible extrinsic factors that affected the motivation of learners of English as a Second Language at a public sector college in Jamshoro. Deci and Ryan in 1985 propounded the Self-Determination. They introduced the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation in it. Intrinsic being inner pleasure while extrinsic being external reward or punishment that regularize motivation .This paper investigated possible extrinsic factors that affect the motivational level of the ESL learners. The research methodology applied was quantitative. Two variables: Course Contents and Teachers‟ Competence were adapted from the Sakai and Kikichu Model (2009) and a six point Likert Scale questionnaire was designed as a research instrument. A total number N=147of subjects filled in questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Software Version 20. Basic descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and percentage were evaluated and compared between the factors. The results revealed that the course contents affected the motivation more than the teachers‟ competence.

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