Social and Psychological Impacts of Private Tuition on Students and Their Families in Pakistan
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Social and Psychological Impacts of Private Tuition on Students


This paper aims to focus on the social and psychological impacts of private tuition on students and their families. The paper is based on primary data collected through a survey conducted with the help of a questionnaire to collect data from 360 respondents in District Hyderabad. The basic arguments of the paper are that students’ engagement in private tuition has social, psychological, and economic impacts on individual students and their families. It is found that attending private tuition results in less time available to students for spending with their family members. This extensive engagement in private tuition is being experienced in a mixed way that may or may not lead to depression among students. Besides that private tuition is also considered as an unnecessary economic burden on student’s families. But still, respondents consider that private tuition is positively effecting social relations within family and relatives.

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