Civil Service in Pakistan and Italy: A Comparative Perspective
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Civil Services in Pakistan


This paper explores the various politico-bureaucratic aspects of the two divergent nation states viz. Pakistan and Italy. Despite the fact that the two nations have different historical, cultural and geographical dissimilarities there is deep observation that they have more common threads of unstable political system, corrupt regimes, and characterless leadership. The historical evolution of Pakistan and post-independence constitutional and administrative developments and that of Italy’s post 1815 re-establishment as a unified state is an analytical discussion which leads to the micro-level analysis of the administrative and the political machineries of both nations. The paper attempts to reveal the similarities and dissimilarities of historical, political, socio-cultural and constitutional framework of both countries in general, and that of civil service systems in particular. With such serious irregularities at the administrative and political systems, the research paper will endeavor to suggest the analytical preview of the facts and would then try to present remedies which may lead to the civil services and administrative reform in order to regain the essential viability of both states namely, Pakistan and Italy.

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