Causes of the Decline of Public Sector College Education in Karachi (Pakistan)
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Educational problems, Public colleges, Standard of education, Karachi, quantitative.


The study is aimed at investigating the variables which might be related to the poor standard of education in public colleges of Karachi (Pakistan). The respondents of the study included students, teachers, and principals of the respective colleges. The data was collected through a closed-ended questionnaire. In order to test the validity of the hypotheses, the study adopted chi-square method of statistical analysis. The study revealed that, coaching centers have a negative effect on students’ attendance in public colleges; the system of examination was found to promote rote learning; no relationship was found between lack of teachers’ accountability by the principal and teachers not taking their classes regularly; and students’ low attendance in colleges was found to cause negative effects on the result of colleges. Some recommendations are: promotion of conceptual learning through modifications in the system of examination and teaching methodology; 75% attendance should be compulsory otherwise the examination admit card should not be issued; constructive role of non-governmental organizations, and replication of similar studies.

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