Problems Faced By Graduate Females in Continuing Their Jobs in Rural Areas: A Case Study of Hyderabad District
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Graduate Female, Rural Area, Job Problems, Cultural Barriers


In Pakistan, rural areas of the Sindh province are the most distressed areas regarding the graduate females who are working in all the public and private sectors. Females don't have their spoken sound or free opinion; even they are not given the right to choose and select anything regarding their profession. This research paper examines the difficulties of working graduate females in rural areas of the Hyderabad district. The quantitative research method was applied, and the survey was conducted through the research questionnaire depended upon the Likert scale 5.0. A sample of 100 working graduate females was selected from three public and private sectors as 50 school and college teachers, 10 Doctors, 15 health workers, and nurses, and 25 working graduate females from the banking sector using stratified random sampling. Given outcomes of the research; The working females faced social, cultural, and domestic problems in the public and private sectors. Problems associated with nurses and banker graduates are facing long and unpredictable working hours, low social status, and no job recognition. Most respondents have no job security, receiving insufficient salaries, and facing gender discrimination. So, there is a need for a policy regarding working hours and there is a need to change the negative approaches of society through providing awareness programs on media.

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