
Agriculture is the mainstay of economy of Pakistan, more than 45 percent of population is reliant on agriculture employment. As the growing population is a constant threat to the food security, thence efforts need to be taken for its sustainability through different means. To combat this threat and overcome the situation agriculture production need to be enhanced where agriculture inputs play a major role. Besides water, soil, agro-chemicals seed is the main input which guarantees agriculture production. Impurity of seed has direct impact at overall production of crop, hence all expenses made during process of from land leveling to the harvesting becomes waste, if quality of seed is compromised. This article is based on qualitative research, in which numerous legal aspects of seed laws were examined and analyzed to identify any gaps in these laws and the way they were being put into practice. Contrarily, the green revolution and the sustainable development goals were outlined to emphasize the significance of food security, which is achieved through an agricultural revolution. Due to the paucity of research on this area of laws and their deficiencies, this study has a significant impact on policymaking. The only remedy to control all this menace is the law and its true implantation. In Pakistan the seed laws have great ambiguity as federal government do not want to relinquish its function which constitution does not allow though agriculture is and was a provincial subject as per constitution of Pakistan. Agriculture was neither in federal legislative list, nor in concurrent list which was abolished in 2010. This is purely a residual subject which is the domain of federating units of Pakistan.
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