Mini Rover-Object Detecting Ground Vehicle (UGV)

  • Syed Hadi Hussain
  • Arif Hussain
  • Raza Hussain Shah
  • Safdar Ali Abro
Keywords: Object Tracking, Classification and recognition, GSM BAsed Alarm


This paper proposes the multipurpose, wirelessly controlled UGV which can move across the surface, detect objects and classify them. It can also monitor and inspect object under interest, if detects any undesirable condition then inform corresponding authority for further immediate actions. The Mini Rover is a programmable machine with built in capability of executing certain set of predefined actions automatically. It can interact and get perception of environment via certain set of sensors and actuators. UGV will be able to go to places that human cannot reach for the sack of exploration and observation without an onboard human presence. UGVs are used for the purpose of search and rescue, security and surveillance, terrain and forest monitoring because it is inconvenient, inefficient, dangerous, and sometimes impossible to have a human operator present in such environments. Major problems faced by UGV in natural terrain environment are reliable sensing, route finding, and object detection and identification. We combine a set of sensors and image processing techniques to counter these problems by getting a more extensive perception of the environment.

Mini Rover-Object Detecting Ground Vehicle
How to Cite
Syed Hadi Hussain, Arif Hussain, Raza Hussain Shah, & Safdar Ali Abro. (2019). Mini Rover-Object Detecting Ground Vehicle (UGV). University of Sindh Journal of Information and Communication Technology , 3(2), 104-108. Retrieved from

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