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Jameel Ahmed Khan Hakro
Komal Mushtaque Mahoto


This study evaluates the impact of training and development on employees’ performance in educational sector of Larkana by focusing on teachers, staff of marketing, human resource management, finance and examination department. The specific objectives were (i) to identify the impact of training and development on employees’ performance in educational sector of Larkana (ii) to examine the relationship of training and development on employees’ performance in educational sector of Larkana. The study used a convenience sampling technique and a quantitative research approach to choose its respondents from six educational institutions of Larkana. 200 people participated in the study's sample size. The results of the study show that employee performance has improved significantly as a result of training and development programs, but they may have had a greater impact if employee performance assessments and training needs assessments had been conducted beforehand. The study subsequently suggested that decisionmakers reassess the organization's training strategy to ensure that the training and development programs provided to employees are informed by performance reviews and training needs analysis. The overall organizational objectives are likely to benefit from the alignment of training and development programs with employee performance reviews and training needs assessments.

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