Sociological and Ethnographic Study on Sindh Pakistan: A Sociological Analysis

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Dr Hamadullah Kakepoto


Pakistan is one of the countries of the world where culture is considered a driving force for the people of the land. Sindh is the second biggest province of Pakistan. It is rich in natural beauty. The civilization and cultural heritages of Sindh are known throughout the Asia. Sindh inculcates the some of the oldest cultural heritages like heritage of Moen-jo-daro which has 5000 years’ oldest history. The culture of Sindh is rich and enriched with multi-dimensional aspects. On one side culture is rich in religious rituals and on the other hand it has a good flavor of secular outlook. People of Sindh are peace loving. People rejoice on little occasions and make those events remarkable and memorable. Therefore, the sociology and ethnography of Sindh is full with of colours and rejoices. In the present paper an attempt has been made discussing the culture, civilization, customs and cultural events, and the overall sociology of the people of the land with the help of sociological eye.

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